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- EC Software Help Suite
- ======================
- (c) Copyright 2000, EC Software
- Delphi component suite for the implementation of context sensitive help,
- HTML HELP and training card help. Please unpack this archive to a new
- directory and refer to the help file (EHS.HLP) for installation instructions.
- File list (main directory)
- --------------------------
- ehs_D3.dpk Delphi 3 package source
- ehs_D4.dpk Delphi 4 package source
- ehs_D5.dpk Delphi 5 package source
- ehs_D6.dpk Delphi 6 package source
- EHS.hlp } Component help file
- EHS.cnt } See "Installation instructions" for help
- ehs_demo.zip Demo application (compiled exe + source)
- ehs_reg.pas Design time registration unit
- ehs_reg.dcr Resource file
- ehs.inc Include file for compiler directives
- ehsBase.pas Base classes
- ehsContextMap.pas THelpContextMap unit
- ehsHelpRouter.pas THelpRouter unit
- ehsHHAPI.pas HTML HELP API unit
- ehsHshTb.pas Hash table implentation for THelpContextMap
- ehsTCard.pas TTrainingCard unit
- ehsWhatsThis.pas TWhatsThis unit
- Compiled files in \DEMO
- -----------------------
- ehs_demo.exe compiled exe
- ehs_demo.cnt }
- ehs_demo.hlp } demo help file in Winhelp format
- ehs_demo.chm demo help file in HTML HELP format
- The files above are required to run the demo
- Source files in \DEMO
- ---------------------
- ehs_demo.dpr Delphi project file
- ehs_demo.res resource file
- ehs_demounit1.dfm main unit
- ehs_demounit1.pas main unit
- ehs_demo.hpj }
- ehs_demo.rtf }
- ehs_demo.cnt } Winhelp source, can be recompiled with HCW.exe